Monday, November 17, 2008

College Week 3

This week seemed to pass by quickly. There has been much confusion on the due date of assignments, and looking for clarification, only seems to muddle it more. I know the website (which I am still working on) was due yesterday, but everything else seems vague.

I enjoyed the readings about "cyber bullying" and expect that to continue to be a problem in schools for some time to come. Policing it would be very tough, as there are so many sites. Eventually will the schools need to hire someone to constantly monitor these sites? Before, schools used to have truancy officers, will they now need cyber bullying ones?

As technology continues to improve, we as teachers need to try to keep up to date with it. We need to be willing to try new things, as there might be a great lesson plan that could come from it. Finding ways for students to use their phones for learning is one way. Why not have them take pictures and video to show the "Day in the life of..." then upload those pictures/video to the class blog or website and submit their assignments that way. Also, why have students "turn in" their homework, maybe they should just upload to us.

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